A tenuously linked group of nobodies trudge through their woeful existence in dreary Winnipeg. A sickly middle-aged man in a failing marriage, a stand-up comedian whose sets are A tenuously linked group of nobodies trudge through their woeful existence in dreary Winnipeg. A sickly middle-aged man in a failing marriage, a stand-up comedian whose sets are met by utter indifference, a stoner couple who share only trivial exchanges, and a young loner unsympathetic to his caring mother are each living lives lost in translation, detached from their surroundings and the people around them. -- from viff.org详情
Jeff Ararat,David Berón,Kevin Carrigan,尼克·卡萨维蒂,卡莱布·克里夫顿,Ashanti Enriquez,Xzavier Estrada,Charles P Fowler,罗基·弗里杰里奥,鲁斯安·弗里杰里奥,泰瑞斯·吉布森,Julia Rose Hartman,卢克·海姆斯沃斯,托马斯·简,保罗·约翰逊,Kristopher Keith,赫米基·马德拉,Cesar Miramontes,凯文·莫西亚,马特·诺兰