The film follows the story of Cali, a blogger who owns the up and coming blog, "The Bakit List," and her ex Gio who will return to her life unexpectedly and surprisingl The film follows the story of Cali, a blogger who owns the up and coming blog, "The Bakit List," and her ex Gio who will return to her life unexpectedly and surprisingly after breaking her heart.详情
杰西卡·阿尔芭,布兰达·布莱斯,休·丹西,鲍勃·霍斯金斯,朱尼克斯 伊诺西恩,K·K·莫吉,艾米莉·莫迪默,诺亚·泰勒,Christopher Ling Lee Ian,Michael Jessing Langgi,Mano Maniam,Cicilia Anak Richard,Malcolm Rogers,Eugene Salleh,Kate Helen White